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Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron - The Ultimate Solution For Stains

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How to Remove Coffee Stains From Almost Anything
How to Remove Coffee Stains From Almost Anything from


Stains on carpets are one of the most common household problems. Coffee stains, in particular, can be very stubborn and challenging to remove. Fortunately, there is a simple solution that can help you get rid of those stains without any hassle - Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron.

What is Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron?

Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron is a natural product that is made from sodium bicarbonate. It is commonly used as a cleaning agent and has been known to be very effective in removing stains.

How does it work?

Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron works by neutralizing the acids that are found in coffee. When you sprinkle it on the stain, the sodium bicarbonate reacts with the acid and produces carbon dioxide gas. This reaction lifts the stain from the carpet fibers, making it easy to clean.

How to use Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron?

Using Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron is very simple. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use it to remove coffee stains from your carpet:

Step 1: Dab the stain

The first step is to dab the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. Make sure you do not rub the stain, as this can push it deeper into the carpet fibers.

Step 2: Apply Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron

Next, sprinkle Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron over the stain. Make sure you cover the entire stain with a thick layer of the product.

Step 3: Leave it to sit

Leave the Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron to sit on the stain for at least 30 minutes. This will give it enough time to react with the acid in the coffee.

Step 4: Vacuum the stain

Finally, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron from the carpet. Make sure you use a clean vacuum bag or filter to ensure that all the product is removed from the carpet.


1. Is Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron safe?

Yes, Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron is safe to use. It is a natural product and does not contain any harmful chemicals.

2. Can Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron be used to remove other stains?

Yes, Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron can be used to remove other stains such as wine, grease, and blood.

3. How often should I use Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron?

You can use Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron as often as needed. However, it is important to remember that it is a cleaning agent and should be used in moderation.


Kaffeefleck Teppich Natron is a simple and effective solution for removing coffee stains from your carpet. It is safe, natural, and easy to use. With this product in your cleaning arsenal, you can say goodbye to stubborn coffee stains once and for all.

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